Three Ways to Make Your Body More Alkaline

Three Ways to Make Your Body More Alkaline 

"No disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment." - Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel Prize winner for cancer discovery.

The more you pay attention to things related to being healthy, the more you'll see about acidity vs alkalinity.  Do I believe maintaining a healthy cellular environment is THE key to being well.  Absolutely.  Here, I'll show you three ways to make your body more alkaline.

Understanding the pH Scale

The pH scale can measure of a liquid is more acidic or more basic.  The range of the pH scale is 0 to 14; zero being very acidic and 14 being very basic (alkaline).  A pH of 7 is neutral.  Our cells function best at a pH of 7.4.  Let's use cancer as an example.  Part of a cancer cell's metabolic requirement is acid production.  Cancer cells cannot produce those acids in an alkaline environment.  To test your pH, you can use saliva or urine, which can be purchased at your local drug store.

Eat Your Veggies

Root vegetables:  Look for radishes, beets, carrots, turnips and rutabaga. 


Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussel sprouts

Green leafy vegetables: Kale, swiss chard, turnip greens and spinach.  These are especially high in vitamin K and folate and they're also packed full of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants.  


Cayenne pepper

Apple Cider Vinegar

Lemons:  These are probably the most alkaline and beneficial.  Waking up every morning with a glass of lemon water is a great start.

Low glycemic fruits like berries and granny smith apples are great choices.

Be Careful of Your Emotions

There's no doubt that chronic stress is harmful.  We all have stressful situations in our lives but the key is to be aware and practice strategies to to safely deal with them.  Strong, negative emotions can increase adrenaline, epinephrine and cortisol to spike and can change our biochemistry.  You can start to burn more glucose which can produce more of an acidic environment.  Prayer and meditation practiced daily are great ways to increase peace.

Remove Acidic Foods/Lifestyle Choices

Sometimes we have to REMOVE something from our lifestyle to achieve good health.  If you consume beef, make sure the beef is 100% grass-fed.  Chicken should be pastured and allowed to forage.  Fish should be wild-caught.  On a personal note, I don't consume anything from a cow including dairy for several reasons, acidity being one of them.  Meat, in general, tends to be more acidic than alkaline, but if you're going to consume it, make sure to follow the guidelines mentioned.  The same applies to dairy.

Grain is very acidic and should be greatly reduced if not eliminated completely.  Alcohol is also very acidic and, if it's to be consumed, should be on a rare occasion.  


I frequently mention that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to health since we're all different, have different deficiencies and uniqueness. However, it's important to understand that you must be consuming healthful fat with every meal.  

Healthy fats include:

* extra virgin, cold-pressed, raw organic coconut oil

* avocados

* raw nuts and seeds

* extra virgin, cold pressed, 100% non-GMO olive oil

* ghee

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