Our Wonderful Gut Bugs

Our Wonderful Gut Bugs

In our intestines, there is an ecosystem as complex as a rain forest.  How did those bugs (gut bacteria) get there?
It's important to remember that the intestines are sterile in utero - there were no bugs in your gut when you were in the womb.  You get them from the environment.  The first place most people acquire  flora is via the birth canal.  The female vagina is one of the few places besides the gut that harbors a significant population of microflora.  Some vaginal fluid is almost always swallowed at birth, so the flora in it contain the first bugs that colonize the infant gut.  
The second biggest influence on the gut is breast milk, which happens to contain bifidobacteria, which is a powerful probiotic.  Breast milk also enhances the growth of biofilm - layers of flora that bind to and line our GI tract protecting against pathogens and infection.
Germs: Your Friends
The next place we get exposure to beneficial bacteria is from the environment.  Playing in the dirt, being around other children and even petting your dog provide very important species of flora.  
The prevalence of allergic disease sufferers has increased from 15 million in 1998 to 25.7 million in 2010.  The highest proportion is among children ages 5 to 14.  Research has also shown that children raised in rural environments have lower incidences of allergies and other autoimmune diseases.  If a child's birth was C-section and/or wasn't able to fed breast milk, the gut CAN be restored with proper protocol.  
Some helpful hints:
* reduce/eliminate pro-inflammatory foods including grain, sugar, dairy, omega 6 fatty acid rich foods like vegetable oils/processed foods while adding quality fats
* broth fasting to wipe the slate clean
* consuming fermented foods and vegetables
* avoiding foods that you may have a temporary sensitivity to (this is most accurately measured through the proper antibody testing)
* It would be in your best interest to work with a our team at Greiner Health Solutions, or another qualified functional medicine practitioner to help provide you your individual needs.  

We work with local patients in the greater Pittsburgh area, as well as virtually with patients across the United States and around the world.

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